Thursday, September 20, 2007

Beach Bash 2007! OMG are you going for that Beatles look?!!

Not much went on last week beacause I was stuck in the city of Balitmore. Friday was the highlight of my day. I was lucky enough to sit in 2 hours of traffic through the entire state of Delaware. That brought my grand total to 4 hours in which I learned that Nickelback rules every channel XM radio and Roy Rogers has the best fastfood hamburgers. I finally made it to one of my favorite events of the summer: Beach Bash! My dearest friend Jaclyn plans a nice gathering for all us Muhlenberg Mules each year where Brian gets drunk and everyone tells him to stupid things. This year's theme was: "Hey you just had back surgery, let's do dangerous things that will hurt you but be funny for us"

Stunt 1: Keg stand
Result: Everyone dropped me. Thanks Phil!!!

You can make out a few scrapes and some redness. It wasn't too bad. I'm lucky enough to be skilled in the martial art of Aikido in which I was instructed on how to fall incase such a thing ever happened in hand to hand combat!! So I rolled on my shoulder and then slammed my knee into the pavement.

Stunt 2: Dance on tables and chair
Result: I danced. No spills. The women loved it! Look at that face of victory!! Then my camera decided to rub one out! Get that tiki torch!!

Stunt 3: Pretend you're a model and walk the catwalk!
Result: Women unable to keep their hands off me!! Ladies, let's calm down!!

Some important pictures:
Everyone discusses the kegstand drop and how they'll never donate a penny to the Muhlenberg Fund. Typical MULE conversation.

Me and my dearest friend Jaclyn.

Okay Brian! Tell the fucking story again, some people didn't hear it!! Tell it now Brian!
AHAHAH! Brian fell!!! Do it again!!

Oh Brian, is that blood coming out of your head? Let me pour some beer on it! Look at that face of satisfaction!

Next week I'll be in Philadelphia. I'm going to be taping a video for some cooking website my good friend Eric has put together. I don't have a link yet, but he has a blog: He takes great pictures and wrote a novel in which I am a main character. I'm also trying 3 different types of Nair. I will post the results later in the week!

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