Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Let's talk about people we hate. GET REAL PEOPLE!!

I really cannot stand Dr. Phil. It's not that I hate him, I just hate seeing and hearing him on TV. Dr. Phil has an incredible super power that he is unaware of: He can irritate two of my 5 (maybe 6) senses faster than the Millenium Falcon flying at lightspeed. First, my eyes immediately focus on his bald head. His baldness and head are so annoyingly shaped it makes my blood boil. Then I hear his nagging voice with the power of 10,000 old ladies yelling at you for walking on their lawn. So in a matter of .00002 seconds I have this ugly shaped talking cranium piercing my ears out of nowhere. Anyone that goes on TV and thinks they can solve their problems are so stupid they probably couldn't pour water out of a boot with a hole in the toe and directions on the heel. Who sits at home and says "I need to hear Dr. Phil say "Get Real" on national television, that's the only thing that will cure me!! Only he can help me get better and stop me from being afraid of my antique frying pan and return me to my normal life."
I decided to go to Dr. Phil's website to see what all this jawin was about. I noticed there was this phenomenon going on and it was that everyone wants to be a Dr. Phil. He has a message board where people post their problems and strangers write back and try to help you..... just like Dr. Phil!!! So I decided to join it and make a post. I titled it "What would Dr. Phil say?". Which is kind of a rhetorical question because we know he says "Get Real" to everything. I'll post some replies as they come in. Here's my post:

What would Dr. Phil say?
Lately I've been sleeping with my friends' girlfriends. I'm a really nice guy. Never cheated on a girlfriend or anything like that, so this is very out of character for me. It started out with a girlfriend of a guy I only knew through another friend, so it wasn't that bad. That lasted for a few months and then things got a little crazier. I have about 3 best friends that are guys and in the past month I've slept with all of their girlfriends (sometimes with two of them at the same time). I feel really guilty and last week my one friend found and didn't even didn't care (he wants to break up with her anyway). So now that I've been given 33.33333% permission to do this, it just keeps getting progressively worse. I never even considered myself an attractive guy but for the past 6 months I've been spending about 3 hours a day at the gym since work has been very slow. It's always nice having a steady flow of women coming at you, but I'm starting to feel like a piece of meat. Tonight I went to my friend's house to pick up my Star Wars Trilogy DVD box set (awesome by the way!) and his recently divorced mom was throwing herself at me


Anonymous said...

seriously you make me laugh,smile, giggle and all those other things that make me happy =) this post just made my nite <3

tony a.k.a. isweatbutter said...

hatred #2, agreed.