Sunday, February 24, 2008

St. Patrick's Day

This weekend was semi dicey. Friday I spent my day snowed in and finishing up an incredibly long week of work. Some guy also decided to drive like a maniac in the snow and take out our street sign, knock over our neighbors garbage cans, and cruise about 30 feet down our neighbors lawn. Saturday I went to Phili to visit my buddy and ex-Foster merch guy, ERIC SMITH. He runs a sweet blog called Geekadelphia that you should check out. We took a trip to a party over in Rittenhouse Square and I got drunk on Steel Reserve just like old times. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so nothing incredible was documented. I will make up for it this weekend though. Saturday is the yearly St. Patrick's Day Celebration in Hoboken. I'm kicking around the idea of getting some shirts made up, so let me know if you're interested. We are taking the train early, no sleeping in!!

1 comment:

tony a.k.a. isweatbutter said...

i especially appreciate the guido tutorial. the greatest day will be st. patchampy's day!!!